Friday, January 21, 2011

Last day in India

So, it is with mixed emotions as I say farewell to India for my second visit. I completely enjoyed working with the matte painting team and rest of company in Bangalore. It is such a nice feeling to interact in person with so many people that I've only seen on a video conference call, email or telephone. Nothing can replace actually being in the same room as someone. But as I write this I am so looking forward to seeing Tamiko, my girlfriend, after being away for two weeks. The time feels even longer when I think of when I've seen her last.
I had a great last day, the team took me out to Lunch, Philippe joined us which was such a nice bonus, and they gave me a very nice present for my visit and help. I will post a photo of it later. As I ponder some of my daily interactions while I pass the time before leaving to go to the airport, I'm amazed at how rich and diverse the experience has been. Something I am not used to and probably would never get used to is how pampered I feel in the Taj or at the office building. Everyone stops and says, "hello" and gives me their undivided attention. It can be quite the experience when just leaving the hotel I pass 8-10 hotel staff and all of them stop what they are doing to say a greeting and how is your day. Or like a few nights ago, while in the downstairs restaurant, one of the senior staff popped by my table and said, "I've noticed you have ordered this meal many times Mr. Bouffard. Would you like our Chef to prepare something special for you. I believe you have had everything on our menu." I was taken aback but at the same time it was how I was feeling. Then the Executive chef comes over to my table and gives me some options for what I would like. For the last four nights of my trip I ate like a king, or at least felt somewhat like one. After each of those meals the chef came over personally and asked if the food was to my liking. One made me laugh, by my answer. I said the meal was "very good" and he countered "Very good or Excellent, Mr. Bouffard? There is a big difference between the two." He said it with such pride, and I had to admit yes there is a big difference between the two. Excellent would be the best answer.

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